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开云全站APP-江苏华星东方荣获绿色动力葫芦岛垃圾焚烧发电项目“优秀协作单位”称号 时间:2023

作者:开云全站APP 发布时间:2023-12-06 点击:843

当前位置: 首页 行业资讯 水业新闻 正文江苏华星东方荣获绿色动力葫芦岛垃圾燃烧发电项目“优异协作单元”称号 时候:2023-09-08 15:58:35 来历:华星东方 2023年8月25日葫芦岛绿动环保有限公司总司理一行莅临江苏华星东方交放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2023-10-08来历:江苏华星东方荣获绿色动力葫芦岛垃圾燃烧发电项目“优异协作单元阅读次数:90焦点提醒:江苏华星东方荣获绿色动力葫芦岛垃圾燃烧发电项目“优异协作单元”称号时候:2023-09-08 15:58:35 来历:华星东方2023年8月25日葫芦岛绿动环保有限公司总司理一行莅临江苏华星东方交换座谈,江苏华星东方发卖年夜区总监和相干负责人热忱欢迎。On August 25, 2023, the general manager of DynaGreen Environmental Protection Group Co. and his associates came to Jiangsu中国给水排水2023年中国污水中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事江苏华星东方荣获绿色动力葫芦岛垃圾燃烧发电项目 优异协作单元 称号

时候:2023-09-08 15:58:35来历:华星东方


On August 25, 2023, the general manager of DynaGreen Environmental Protection Group Co. and his associates came to Jiangsu Huaxing East Co. for a brief discussion.


座谈会上,葫芦岛绿动环保有限公司总司理一行具体领会了华星东方在烟气净化等范畴的工程设计研发能力、BIM工程能力和装备加工的运作细节。两边就垃圾燃烧行业市场转变进行了深切切磋,并但愿两边后续可以睁开更多的合作。葫芦岛绿动环保有限公司总司理代表绿色动力葫芦岛项目公司对江苏华星东方在葫芦岛项目参建进程中做出的进献暗示了感激并赐与了表扬,向江苏华星东方授与 优异协作单元 的锦旗和声誉证书。

At the symposium, the general manager of DynaGreen Environmental Protection Group Co. and his associates had a detailed understanding of Huaxing East Co's engineering design and development capabilities in th����ȫվAPPe fields of flue gas purification, BIM engineering capabilities, and some operational details of equipment processing. The two parties conducted in-depth discussions on new market changes in the waste incineration industry, and asserted that the two parties could carry out more cooperation in the future. The general manager of DynaGreen Environmental Protection Group Co, on behalf of his company, expressed his gratitude and commendation to Jiangsu Huaxing East Co. for its contribution in the construction of the Huludao project, and awarded Jiangsu Huaxing East the Excellent Collaborating Unit Pennant and certificate of honor.


辽宁省葫芦岛市糊口垃圾燃烧发电项目烟气净化工程在2023年05月08日经由过程72+24小时试运行。该项目总范围为日处置糊口垃圾1200吨,设置装备摆设2 600t/d机械炉排燃烧炉+1 25MW中温中压凝汽式汽轮机发机电组。烟气处置采取 半干法(扭转喷雾反映塔)+干法(喷射氢氧化钙)+活性炭喷射+布袋除尘器+飞灰输送和存储 的烟气净化工艺,为我司EPC工程。该项目标成功投运不但标记着绿色动力葫芦岛发电项目由扶植阶段正式转入出产运营阶段,也将年夜年夜改良葫芦岛市的人居情况,为本地实现垃圾减量化、资本化和无害化阐扬主要感化。是绿色动力团体与江苏华星东方共同努力的又一成功典型。

The flue gas purification project of the household waste incineration power generation project in Huludao City, Liaoning Province passed the 72+24 hour trial operation on May 8, 2023. The total scale of the project is 1,200 tons of domestic waste per day, equipped with 2 600t/d mechanical grate incinerator + 1 25MW medium temperature and medium pressure condensing steam turbine generator set. The flue gas treatment adopts the flue gas purification process of semi-dry method (rotary spray reaction tower) + dry method (injection of calcium hydroxide) + activated carbon injection + bag filter + fly ash transportation and storage , which is our EPC project. The successful commissioning of the project not only marks the official transition of the DynaGreen Environmental Protection Group Co. s; Huludao Power Generation Project from the construction stage to the production and operation stage, but it will also greatly improve the living environment of Huludao City; helping in waste reduction, recycling and reduced carbon emissions for the whole area; where culture plays an important role. This project is another successful example of the cooperation between DynaGreen Environmental Protection Group Co. and Jiangsu Huaxing East Co.


DynaGreen Environmental Protection Group Co. is the first A+H-share listed company in China's waste incineration power generation industry. It is a core enterprise in the energy conservation and environmental protection sector under Beijing State-owned Assets Corporation. It specializes in circular economy and renewable energy industries, i.e., an important strategy of Jiangsu Huaxing East Co's Customers, the two parties have successfully cooperated in Beijing Tongzhou Phase II, Beijing Miyun, Huizhou Huiyang Phase I and Phase II projects, Hubei Shishou, Huanggang Hong'an, Jiangxi Fengcheng, Jiangxi Yichun, Jiaxing Haining, Wenzhou Pingyang, Wenzhou Yongjia, Shandong Laizhou, Jinan Zhangqiu project (passed 72+24 trial operation on August 28) and other major projects.

上一篇:开云全站APP-复洁环保:低温真空脱水干化一体化技术填补国内外空白,高温水源热泵技术装备在8个项目中已运行或正在实施 金融界AI电报 2023 下一篇:开云全站APP-环美科技成功中标天井洼有机废弃物处理场污水处理站及场内设施大修工程渗滤液处理设备采购项目 时间:2023