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开云全站APP-城市污水处理系统对典型药物的去除效果 作者:董晓婉1, 王方舒1, 王玉玺1, 陈栋1,2, 毕学军1,2, 舒啸1(1.青岛理工大学 环境与市政工程学院,山东 青岛 266525;2.城镇污水处理

作者:开云全站APP 发布时间:2023-12-16 点击:843

当前位置: 首页 行业资讯 水业新闻 正文城市污水处置系统对典型药物的去除结果 作者:董晓婉1, 王方舒1, 王玉玺1, 陈栋1,2, 毕学军1,2, 舒啸1(1.青岛理工年夜学 情况与市政工程学院,山东 青岛 266525;2.城镇污水处置放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2023-09-28来历:城市污水处置系统对典型药物的去除结果 作者:董晓婉1, 王阅读次数:90焦点提醒:English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]董晓婉,王方舒,王玉玺,等.城市污水处置系统对典型药物的去除结果[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(11):68-73. DONGXiao-wan,WANGFang-shu,WANGYu-xi,et al.Removal Effect of Typical Pharmaceuticals in Different Municipal W中国给水排水2023年中国污水中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事城市污水处置系统对典型药物的去除结果作者:董晓婉1, 王方舒1, 王玉玺1, 陈栋1,2, 毕学军1,2, 舒啸1(1.青岛理工年夜学 情况与市政工程学院,山东 青岛 266525;2.城镇污水处置与资本化国度处所结合工程中间,山东 青岛 266525)PDF下载[1]董晓婉,王方舒,王玉玺,等.城市污水处置系统对典型药物的去除结果[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(11):68-73. DONGXiao-wan,WANGFang-shu,WANGYu-xi,et al.Removal Effect of Typical Pharmaceuticals in Different Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems[J].China Water Wastewater,2022,38(11):68-73.点击复制城市污水处置系统对典型药物的去除结果中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU] 卷: 第38卷 期数: 2022年第11期 页码: 68-73 栏目: 出书日期: 2022-06-01Title:Removal Effect of Typical Pharmaceuticals in Different Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems作者:董晓婉1, 王方舒1, 王玉玺1, 陈栋1,2, 毕学军1,2, 舒啸1(1.青岛理工年夜学 情况与市政工程学院,山东 青岛 266525;2.城镇污水处置与资本化国度处所结合工程中间,山东 青岛 266525)Author(s):DONG Xiao-wan1, WANG Fang-shu1, WANG Yu-xi1, CHEN Dong1,2, BI Xue-jun1,2, SHU Xiao1(1. School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266525, China; 2. National Local Joint Engineering Research Center of Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Recycling, Qingdao 266525, China)要害词:城市污水处置系统; 药物; 去除结果Keywords:municipal wastewater treatment system; pharmaceuticals; removal efficiency摘要:以磺胺甲基嘧啶(SM1)、磺胺甲恶唑(SMZ)、四环素(TC)、罗红霉素(ROX)、氧氟沙星(OFL)、咖啡因(CF)、对乙酰氨基酚(AP)等7种典型药物为研究对象,选择MSBR、BAF两个现实污水处置系统和一个多级A/O-MBBR中试处置系统,经由过程高效液相色谱质谱手艺(HPLC-MS)检测7种药物在分歧工艺单位的浓度程度,考查分歧系统对分歧药物的去除结果。成果注解,MSBR系统对7种药物的去除结果为AP CF OFL TC ROX SM1 SMZ,BAF系统为CF ROX AP OFL TC SMZ SM1,多级A/O-MBBR中试系统为AP CF OFL ROX TC SM1 SMZ。3个处置系统对AP、CF、OFL和TC的去除率没有显著差别;BAF系统对SM1的去除率仅为6.8%,显著低在其他两个系统;多级A/O-MBBR系统对SMZ的去除率仅为10.75%,显著低在其他两个系统;BAF系统对ROX的去除率高达92.9%,显著高在其他两个系统。Abstract:Two practical wastewater treatment systems (MSBR and BAF) and a multi-stage A/O- MBBR pilot treatment system were applied to treat seven typical pharmaceuticals including SM1, SMZ, TC, ROX, OFL, CF and AP. Their concentrations in different units of the treatment system were determined by HPLC-MS, and the removal effects of different pharmaceuticals by different treatment systems were investigated. For MSBR system, the removal efficiency of seven pharmaceuticals in descending order was as follows: AP, CF, OFL, TC, ROX, SM1 and SMZ, for BAF system was CF, ROX, AP, OFL, TC, SMZ and SM1, and for multi-stage A/O-MBBR pilot system was AP, CF, OFL, ROX, TC, SM1 and SMZ. There was no significant difference in the removal efficiency of AP, CF, OFL and TC among the three systems. The SM1 removal efficiency of the BAF system was only 6.8%, wh����ȫվAPPich was significantly lower than that of the other two systems. The SMZ removal efficiency of the multi-stage A/O-MBBR system was only 10.75%, which was significantly lower than that of the other two systems. The ROX removal efficiency of the BAF system was 92.9%, which was significantly higher than that of the other two systems.更新日期/Last Update: 2022-06-01中国给水排水杂志社官方网所有资料均源在网上的同享资本和期刊同享,请特殊留意勿做其他不法用处 若有加害您的版权或其他有损您好处的行动,请联系指出,本网会当即进行更正或删除有关内容论文颁发投稿邮箱:cnwater@vip.163.comCopyRight (C)2016 中国给水排水杂志社官方网 版权所有 津ICP备20004590号[1]董晓婉,王方舒,王玉玺,等.城市污水处置系统对典型药物的去除结果[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(11):68-73. DONGXiao-wan,WANGFang-shu,WANGYu-xi,et al.Removal Effect of Typical Pharmaceuticals in Different Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems[J].China Water Wastewater,2022,38(11):68-73.点击复制城市污水处置系统对典型药物的去除结果中国给水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU]卷:第38卷期数:2022年第11期页码:68-73栏目:出书日期:2022-06-01Title:Removal Effect of Typical Pharmaceuticals in Different Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems作者:董晓婉1, 王方舒1, 王玉玺1, 陈栋1,2, 毕学军1,2, 舒啸1(1.青岛理工年夜学 情况与市政工程学院,山东 青岛 266525;2.城镇污水处置与资本化国度处所结合工程中间,山东 青岛 266525)Author(s):DONG Xiao-wan1, WANG Fang-shu1, WANG Yu-xi1, CHEN Dong1,2, BI Xue-jun1,2, SHU Xiao1(1. School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266525, China; 2. National Local Joint Engineering Research Center of Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Recycling, Qingdao 266525, China)要害词:城市污水处置系统;药物;去除结果Keywords:municipal wastewater treatment system;pharmaceuticals;removal efficiency摘要:以磺胺甲基嘧啶(SM1)、磺胺甲恶唑(SMZ)、四环素(TC)、罗红霉素(ROX)、氧氟沙星(OFL)、咖啡因(CF)、对乙酰氨基酚(AP)等7种典型药物为研究对象,选择MSBR、BAF两个现实污水处置系统和一个多级A/O-MBBR中试处置系统,经由过程高效液相色谱质谱手艺(HPLC-MS)检测7种药物在分歧工艺单位的浓度程度,考查分歧系统对分歧药物的去除结果。成果注解,MSBR系统对7种药物的去除结果为AP CF OFL TC ROX SM1 SMZ,BAF系统为CF ROX AP OFL TC SMZ SM1,多级A/O-MBBR中试系统为AP CF OFL ROX TC SM1 SMZ。3个处置系统对AP、CF、OFL和TC的去除率没有显著差别;BAF系统对SM1的去除率仅为6.8%,显著低在其他两个系统;多级A/O-MBBR系统对SMZ的去除率仅为10.75%,显著低在其他两个系统;BAF系统对ROX的去除率高达92.9%,显著高在其他两个系统。Abstract:Two practical wastewater treatment systems (MSBR and BAF) and a multi-stage A/O- MBBR pilot treatment system were applied to treat seven typical pharmaceuticals including SM1, SMZ, TC, ROX, OFL, CF and AP. Their concentrations in different units of the treatment system were determined by HPLC-MS, and the removal effects of different pharmaceuticals by different treatment systems were investigated. For MSBR system, the removal efficiency of seven pharmaceuticals in descending order was as follows: AP, CF, OFL, TC, ROX, SM1 and SMZ, for BAF system was CF, ROX, AP, OFL, TC, SMZ and SM1, and for multi-stage A/O-MBBR pilot system was AP, CF, OFL, ROX, TC, SM1 and SMZ. There was no significant difference in the removal efficiency of AP, CF, OFL and TC among the three systems. The SM1 removal efficiency of the BAF system was only 6.8%, which was significantly lower than that of the other two systems. The SMZ removal efficiency of the multi-stage A/O-MBBR system was only 10.75%, which was significantly lower than that of the other two systems. The ROX removal efficiency of the BAF system was 92.9%, which was significantly higher than that of the other two systems.更新日期/Last Update:2022-06-01

上一篇:开云全站APP-中华人民共和国国家生态环境标准 少量污染物,主要包括排污单位部分设备及场地清洗产生的少量废水和冷却水,颗粒 或粉末状产品干燥产生的颗粒物,污水处理站产生的恶臭污染物,排污单位通用及专业机械设备,公用 下一篇:开云全站APP-湿法烟气脱硫废水处理工程实例 作者:倪亭亭1, 王云钟1, 吴永明2, 胡玲玲3, 杨春燕2, 邓觅2(1.青岛海检节能环保有限公司,山东 青岛 266235;2.江西省科学院,江西 南昌 3300