
开云全站APP首页 >> 开云全站APP新闻 >> 常见问题 >> 开云全站APP-基本原理 BASIC PRINCIPLE 热解是指将有机物在无氧或缺氧状态下进行加热蒸馏,使有机污染产生裂解,经冷凝后形成各种新的气体、液体和固体,从中提出燃料油、油脂和燃料气的过程。 Pyroly






开云全站APP-基本原理 BASIC PRINCIPLE 热解是指将有机物在无氧或缺氧状态下进行加热蒸馏,使有机污染产生裂解,经冷凝后形成各种新的气体、液体和固体,从中提出燃料油、油脂和燃料气的过程。 Pyroly

作者:开云全站APP 发布时间:2023-11-24 点击:843

当前位置: 首页 行业资讯 水业新闻 正文根基道理 BASIC PRINCIPLE 热解是指将有机物在无氧或缺氧状况下进行加热蒸馏,使有机污染发生裂解,经冷凝后构成各类新的气体、液体和固体,从中提出燃料油、油脂和燃料气的进程。 Pyroly放大字体缩小字体发布日期:2023-10-11来历:根基道理 BASIC PRINCIPLE 热解是指将有机物阅读次数:92焦点提醒:根基道理BASIC PRINCIPLE热解是指将有机物在无氧或缺氧状况下进行加热蒸馏,使有机污染发生裂解,经冷凝后构成各类新的气体、液体和固体,从中提出燃料油、油脂和燃料气的进程。Pyrolysis refers to the process of heating and distilling organic matter in the absence of oxygen or such a limited supply, causing organic pollution to prod中国给水排水2023年中国污水中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函处理厂提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事中国给水排水2023年中国污水处理厂中国给水排水2023年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十四届)邀请函提标改造(污水处理提质增效)高级研讨会(第七届)邀请函暨征稿启事

BASIC PRINCIPLE热解是指将有机物在无氧或缺氧状况下进行加热蒸馏,使有机污染发生裂解,经冷凝后构成各类新的气体、液体和固体,从中提出燃料油、油脂和燃料气的进程。Pyrolysis refers to the process of heating and distilling organic matter in the absence of oxygen or such alimited supply, causing organic pollution to produce pyrolysis and forming various new gases, liquids andsolids after condensation, from which fuel oil, grease and fuel gas are put forward.

油泥热解工艺流程图The flow chart of oily sludge pyrolysis processTECHNICAL FEATURES 干燥敏捷、热操纵效力高; 二噁英和挥发性有机物发生量少; 粉尘爆炸风险小; 全密闭持续运行、无二次污染; 全主动节制、操作简洁平安性好; 集成度高、占地省、投资和运行费用低。 Rapid drying and high heat utilization efficiency; Low production of dioxins and volatile organic compounds; Low risk of dust explosion; Totally enclosed, continuous operation without secondary pollution; Full automatic control, operation convenience and safety; High integration, smaller area occupied, lower investmentand running expense. 富国皮革(阜新)含铬污泥干化热解项目(6 吨 / 天) 耽误石油(延安)油泥热解撬装装备(20 吨 / 天) 中石化江苏油田含油污泥热解措置中间(4.4 万吨 / 年) 中石油年夜庆油田含油污泥无害化处置(10 万吨 / 年) Pyrolysis of Chromium sludge in Fuxin (6 t/d) The Skid-mounted device for Pyrolysis of oily sludgelocated in Yanchang Petrol����ȫվAPPeum ( 20 t/d ) Pyrolysis of oily sludge in SINOPEC of Jiangsu oilfield(44000 t/a ) Harmless treatment of oily sludge in Daqing Oilfield ofCNPC (100000 t/a ) 废气:到达《石油化学工业污染物排放尺度》(GB31571-2015)尺度和国度排放尺度《危险废料燃烧污染节制尺度》(GB18484-2001 ) 废水:装备冷凝水轮回利用,其他少许废水经处置后,进入油田水处置系统。 废渣:含油率合适相干尺度,重金属含量到达国度排放尺度。 处置后的污泥可垫井场、铺路、作为建筑材料利用:符 合 陕 西 省 地 方 标 准《 含 油 污 泥 处 置 利 用 控 制 限 值》(DB61T_1025-2016)中的要乞降黑龙江《油田含油污泥综合操纵污染节制》(DB 23/T 1413-2010)中的要求。 Exhaust:Achieved Emission standard of pollutants for petroleum chemistry industry (GB31571-2015) Pollution control standard for hazardous wastes incineration (GB 18484-2001 ) Wastewater:The condensed water of the equipment is recycled, and a small amount of other wastewaterwill enter the oilfield water treatment system after treatment. Waste residue: The oil content is compliance with relevant standards, and the heavy metal contents were lowerthan the state standards.After treatment, the sludge can be used to pad well site, pave roads and be used as building materials:achieved the local standard of Shaanxi province Limits for the disposal and utilization of oily sludge (DB61T_1025-2016) and Heilongjiang Pollution control standards of oily sludge comprehensive utilizationof the oilfield (DB 23/T 1413-2010).

上一篇:开云全站APP-8月亿级水处理项目:山东市场加速释放 北控、国祯等皆有斩获 8月落地项目仍以EPC、特许经营项目为主,且项目体量相对偏小,10亿级大项目较少。央企、地方国资(环保集团、水务集团)、水务龙头企业 下一篇:开云全站APP-云南省绿色环保产业集团有限公司简介 发布日期:2022